“We get by with a little help from
our friends”
Everyday, organizations in the community have made it possible for the Center to continue to help children and families in this community. We sincerely appreciate all their support.
Political Leaders Bring Help
Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray, Councilman James Darcy and Community Leader Frank Mistero brought help when the Early Learning Center needed a new roof .
Peninsula Kwanis
Peninsula Kwanis celebrate the Holiday's each with with a reading of "The Night Before Christmas" and a gift for each child.
Five Towns Senior Center
The Five Towns Early Learning Center has a long relationship with Five Towns Senior Center. The Seniors come to the Center once a month and spend the morning in the 4 year old class, making friends, adults and children working and playing together together.
Lawrence High School
Lawrence High school students from the Bond Program
Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts help make Scarecrow at the Rock Hall Country Fair fund raiser.We thank our political Leaders for their
continued support:
The Honorable Dean Skelos,
New York State Senator
The Honorable Harvey Weisenberg,
New York State Assemblyman
The Honorable Kate Murray,
Supervisor, Town of Hempstead
The Honorable James Darcy,
Councilman, Town of Hempstead
The Honorable Anthony J. Santino,
Councilman, Town of Hempstead
The Honorable Dorothy Goosby,
Councilwoman, Town of Hempstead
The Honorable Howard Kopel,
NC Legislature, District 7
Mr. Frank Mistero,
Community Leader
Inwood Civic Association
Peninsula Kiwanis
Five Towns Kiwanis
Sewane Golf Club
Garden Club of Lawrence
Rock and Wrap It
Child Care Council of Nassau, Inc
Inwood Charities
Camp Baco and Camp Che-Ne-Wah
Meserole Funeral Home
Lawrence Golf Club/Kreiss Tournament
Sun and Surf
Christmas Dreams/Pete Sobol